Wigan U.D Council meetings and M.O.H reports 1900

The Wigan Observer and District Advertiser

Friday April 13th 1900



In Brief

On Wednesday week the monthly meeting was held in the offices Church St, Mr J. H. GERRARD presided. Sanitary Committee, letter read from Mr MC CALLUM, engineer with regard to the sewage purification works, the tender for the same was submitted. Highways Committee report a letter was received from Mr BRYNING country surveyor saying the County Council had approved the offer of an exchange of land in Bolton Rd, Adlington by Messers BOND BROWN and BOND. Loan approved for the improvement of Cemetery Rd, nr the Primitive Methodist Chapel, Messers JOLLEY and BUCKLEY instructed to invite tenders. Dr MOLE, M.O.H, reported 12 deaths during the month, 5 due to lung disease supervening on influenza, there were 16 births. Diarrhoea and sickness were of an epidemic nature in the district, he recommended warning notices be issued with regard to the deposition of refuse and drinking water be analysed periodically. Dr RIGBY corroborated the M.O as to the epidemic character of the diarrhoea, 17 cases had come to him, it struck him that neither the sanitary arrangements nor the food could account for the cases but the drinking water might and should be analysed. - Mr BOURNE seconded the motion - Mr HARGREAVES mentioned the war fund amounted £84, the Indian Famine Fund £29.


The monthly meeting of this council held on Tuesday evening at the Leyland Free Library, Mr PICKLES presided, also present, Messers T. SOUTHWORTH, M. GREEN, M. MORRIS, E.GRIME, J. L. PENNINGTON, R. LAMONT, J. STOTT, G. SHORT, D. DOVE, T. LYMN, A. HURST, S. FRANCE, S. HOLT [Clerk], A. HOLDEN [engineer], W. DICKINSON [gas manager] and J. SOUTHERN [inspector].

New office committee met on 13th march, plan of Cross St site laid before the meeting and carefully considered, after considering land required for police purposes and that in the immediate future land would be required for new offices, baths, technical school and market, the clerk informed Colonel MORSOM the committee feel compelled to abandon the idea of being able to find a site suitable for police purposes the site in Cross St being found inadequate, also to abandon the question of post office accommodation.

Streets and buildings committee met March 27th, Mr J, RAMWELL explained an interview he had with Mr LITTLER’S solicitor respecting private streets in Platt Bridge, further inquires to be made. Plans approved, additions to property in Malthew Lane, for Mr John PARR. Consider adoption of streets recently paved in Castle Hill district, legal notice to be given to the Wigan and District Tramway Co and Wigan Corporation to repair the road along the tramway in Wigan Rd, Market St and Malthew Lane. Mr DOVE gave notice that the lamps in the main roads may be lighted continuously including moonlight nights from 1st October to 1st March.

Sanitary committee, , M.O, stated that February was the first month in which deaths were more than births during his period of office which was 9yrs. Deaths were 78, births 57, death rate 45.6 per 1,000 and births 32.9. The zymotic death rate was 6.3, 11 deaths registered due to Zymotic disease. The contractors for the line of sewer at Hindley Green making fair progress, anticipated before the next meeting that the sewage from Swan Lane will be connected with the outfall works. Out of 31 effluents taken from sewage works by the Mersey and Irwell Joint Committee Hindley took 18th place, during the year the efflluent from Platt Bridge had been declared to be good.


A meeting of this council was held at the offices Alma Hill on Tuesday evening, Mr J. F. MORRIS presided, also present, Messers W. H. THOMPSON, J. DEAN, H. W. HITCHEN, T. LONERGAN, W. O. MORRIS, J. E. HURCOMBE, W. BROWN, C. E. SENIOR [Clerk] and Dr L. J. JOHNSTONE. M.O.

A special meeting of the council was held at the Pumping Station, Tontine on March 26th, Mr J. F. MORRIS presided, an inspection of the engines, pumps and head-gear was made, it was resolved that screw key be ordered for the engineman, the Surveyor read the expenditure of the pumping station which amounted to £1,620-18s-9d. It was resolved that the draft lease with the Latham’s Charity Trustees be approved subject to a clause, that the Upholland District Council have power to sub-let any of the land required by them as was agreed October last. A letter was read from L and Y Railway Co, stating they were proposing to carry the footpath at Ditton Siding, Pimbo Lane, over the railway bridge.

At the meeting of the different committees over the month, votes of thanks were accorded to, Mr W. O. MORRIS chairman of the Finance Committee, Mr W. H. THOMPSON, chairman of the Technical Instruction Committee, and Mr J. F. MORRIS chairman of the Water Committee.

M.O’S report, Dr J. L. JOHNSTONE reported that during the month there had been 17 deaths, an exceptionally high aggregate, in the record in his possession dating back to April 1885 there was not another like it. Four cases of infectious disease were reported, 2 for diphtheria and 2 scarlet fever, the former appeared in School Lane and Spencers Lane and the latter in Holland Moor and near New Fold. He still continued to receive notifications of Scarlatina from Holland Moor, and would advise parents to maintain strict supervision over their children, lest they come into contact with members of affected households. Whilst visiting an infected house he found a child playing outside, in a highly infectious condition and desquamating profusely. At the time he saw the child the schools were just loosing. It was decided the parents of the child mentioned would be written to and censured.


Meeting held in the Council Offices, Bryn St on Tuesday afternoon, Mr W. VALIANT presided, also present, Messers T. CROMPTON, T. PRICE, J. HAMILTON, G. J. ROBINS, D. B. MARSH, J. MITCHELL, H. WINSTANLEY, J. W. WHITE [Clerk], J. W. LIVERSEDGE [Surveyor], and C. H. HODGEKINSON [Collector].

Health of the town - M.O'S report, during 4 wks end Saturday last, 27 deaths, Erysipelas 1, measles 1, [4 last mth] whooping cough 2, influenza 1, phthisis 2, respiratory disease 9, heart disease 3, injury 1, other 7. Births 60. Influenza and respiratory disease during the past 6-7wks have been very prevalent during the severe weather. In fact the amount of general sickness has exceeded any of my experience during the last quarter of a century. We have still some measles and mild scarlet cases, notifications, erysipelas 1, scarlets 11 effecting 7 houses. I beg to draw attention to the small piece of land on the N.E corner of No2 reservoir being cultivated, any future manuring of same should remain to abeyance -

Nathan HANNAH. M.O.H.


Area of the district 2,894 statute acres, Births reached 835, against 769, 839 and 893 during the three preceding years, Deaths numbered 449, as compared with 387, 401 and 381 or the three preceding years, of the total of deaths 239 where of children two years and under, 112 under 6mths, a large measure of deaths were due to the epidemic of measles and enteric fever. Scarlet fever caused 7 deaths, the same applied to whooping cough which prevailed at Worsley Mesnes and Newtown towards the end of the year. Influenza caused 6 deaths, typhus fever 2, with meningitis 2, a child aged 3 and another aged 7, enteric fever caused 15 deaths chiefly at Newtown and Goose Green, Diarrhoea was chiefly located at Newtown and Worsley Mesnes. Phthisis caused 6 deaths at Newtown, 3 at Lamberhead Green and 4 at Little Lane. The deaths from injury was 11 and measles caused 39, none during the first half of the year, one third at Lamberhead Green, one third at Goose Green and the remainder in the central and Newtown districts. The Sanitary Authority is gradually improving the surroundings of dwellings by flagging and paving in the immediate vicinity, there is more to be done and is an important matter, many property owners have had a run of 30yrs without having to pay for work of this kind the time has arrived when they will be asked to do the work. A more thorough ventilation of homes should also be insisted, especially those parts were food is stored, if the head is struck down with rheumatic or enteric fever there is a considerable loss in rent and taxes, so it is an advantage to have their property sanitary. I would call attention to the strict supervision of house building, many jerry builders being allowed to bring the bricks and timber from houses condemned in Wigan into the district and use the same here. 61 houses and 3 shops have been constructed during the year. The rainfall recorded at the council’s waterworks at Billinge during the year ending Dec 31st 1899 gives an annual total of 32.op, as against 31.53 during the previous year.


District Council

Mr J. ECKERSLEY presided at the monthly meeting on Monday afternoon, the M.O. H, reported that the death rate for the year was 16.6 per 1,000, and the death rate 30.7. During the year there had been a great improvement in the sanitary conditions of the township, and the water supply good and abundant for all purposes. It was aggregated the Indian Famine Fund was now £22-18s-1d.


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