Lloyd’s coffee house April 28th 1802
At a meeting of the committee appointed to manage the subscriptions raised for the benefit of the wounded, and the families or relatives of such as were killed in the ever memorable action on the night of August 1798.
J. J. ANGERSTEIN Esq in the chair
Resolved - that the families or next of kin of the following killed officers and seamen, and mariners in the memorable action be desired to send to Mr WHITE, the secretary of this house, an account in writing of their consanguinity or relationship to the deceased, together with a statement of the number and situation of their families, the same to be attested the Minister of Church Wardens or the Chief Magistrate of the places to which the parties so applying respectively belong, in order that the committee may be enabled to transmit them, free of all expense, such gratuities as may be found expedient, without the necessity of an agent, or of the parties coming to town.
Resolved - that the following wounded officers seamen and mariners do also transmit to Mr WHITE, an account of the nature and condition of their wounds, and the name of the ship in which they so gallantly served, attested by their present commanding offices, or the Minister of Church Wardens of the parishes to which they respectively belong, that this committee may take their circumstances into consideration, and grant them such gratuities as may be deemed expedient.
J. J. ANGERSTEIN, Chairman.
M. DALMAHOY, Quarter master, of Edinburgh, William EWETT, Carpenter’s crew, Southwark, Peter HEROE, Ord, Foreigner, Thomas JACOBS, Boy, Shoreditch, Richard QUINN, Landsman, Dublin.
Christopher COLEMAN, AB, Newcastle, William HOWE, AB, Ablersgate St, John JACKSON, Marine, County Kildare, Stewart MARTIN, AB, Antrim, Hugh MC GEE, AB, Scotland, Dennis MOLLOY, Marine, Marlborough, John REGAN, AB, King St, Wapping, William SHEA, AB, Dungavon, J. WATKINS, Marine, South Wales
Thomas ANDERSON, AB, Laceston nr Maldon.
J. SAVIDSKY, Sevjt, Marine, an Austrian, J. BRUCKELL, Marine, William CARROLL, Marine, John COLEMAN, Marine, Little London, Sussex, James HENTON, L.M, Newcastle, Durham, William HYDE, Swabber, Maidstone, Samuel REID, Ord, Deptford, Robert SHEPPARD, AB, Sunderland, Jacob WILLIAMSON, Ord, North Lee, nr Lerwick.
Edward HADDEN, Ord, Peter DOWNES, Ord, R. J. ANDERSEN, AB, Deal, Henry BOYD, Marine, H. BIRMINGHAM, AB, James COONEY, AB, D. COOKSTON, AB, George CHURCH, Marine, John DUNCAN, AB, James FLANAGAN, AB, John HERON, AB, Thomas JOHANNA, AB, Robert KEMP, AB, Robert MAXWELL, AB, William MILDON, AB, Matthew MOSSIER, AB, Francis RYDER, Marine, Pell TOCKERS, AB, George WILLAMS, AB, Thomas WILSON, AB.
Samuel ANGRAM, Ord, New York, Moses COCKBURN, AB, Clare, Ireland, Godfrey CLEMONS, AB, Prussia, Samuel CLARKE, L.M, Westmeath, William CURZMAN, Marine, 45th Co, Alexander GILLENDER, Sailmakers crew, Aberdeen, Joseph GONSALVES, AB, St Domingo, Nicolas GARRITY. L.M, Lorford, George MILLER, AB, Woolwich, William MILLARD, Boy, London, Joseph MACNAMARA, AB, Canom, Ireland, John NIXON, AB, Barnewell, Cambridgeshire, Andew O’KEANE, Marine, 134th com, Andrew SOUTTER, AB, Dundee, John WALKER, Marine, 99th com, Joseph WETTON, Marine.
John DUNN, Bosunn’s mate, London, John DENNISON, AB, Londonderry, James MOWBRAY, AB, Guernsey, Thomas WRIGHT, AB, Sligo
John GREY, Marine, Alexander HAMILTON, Quarter-gunner, Irwin, John MC CARTHY, AB, Charlesfield, Ireland, William ROGERS, Corp, marines, William SHUTTON, AB, William STARTENBURG, Marine
Thomas COURTEEN, AB, Liverpool, Robert TRIVAVAS, L.M, Cornwall
Thomas BATLIN, Marine, AB, Malta, Samuel HOPE, Marine, Barnaby KEARMAN, AB, Dublin, Stephen MURPHY, AB, Wexford, James NICHOLLS, AB, Plymouth Dock, William SMITH, Boy, America, Martin WHEELER, AB, Kilberry, Waterford, James WOODWARD, Carp crew, Gloucester, George WHEATLEY, Marine, Bell Laurel, nr Ennisworthy, Wexford, Robert LANCASTER, AB, Liverpool, James FORSTER, L.M, Carlisle.
John HOLIDAY, AB, John KINDROPH, Marine, [since dead] Thomas MARSHAL, AB, [since dead]
Robert BOLTON, AB, [since dead], John CHILDLINGTON, AB, [since dead]
John DEAN. L.M, [since dead], Thomas VICTOR, Ord, [since dead]
Martin LAWROS, Ord.
Michael NAYLOR, Mis Sup, Thomas AVISON, AB, William BUCK, Marine, James BENNETT, Sen Cap, Hugh COYLE, AB, John CORRO, Marine, William DAVIS, AB, John EATON, AB, George EXTON, AB, William HARRINGTON, AB, Thomas JOHNSTEN, AB, Mathew KING, AB, John FLEMING, AB, Peter GRANGER, AB, John HUTTEN, AB, William MARLE, AB, Timothy MURPHY, AB, John H. OBETORSE, Se AB, James SORLEY, AB, William TITTLER, AB, Barney TRAYNER, AB, Andrew WEBB, AB, Thomas WEST, AB, Edward WILLIAMS, AB.
John SUTHERLAND, Mid, [since dead], John BAPTISLA, Boat Sw, mate, [since dead], Robert OVERTON, Clerk, Robert CAMPION, AB, Henry DAVIS, Ord, [since dead], Joseph FIELDY, Marine 58th com, John GREGORY, Ord, Edward MURPHY, AB, John NICHOLAS, AB, [since dead], James OLIVER, Ord, John REILLY, Marine, [since dead]. George SMITH, AB, [since dead], James SMITH, AB, [since dead], Samuel WYNN, AB.
Thomas IRWIN, Lieut, J. JEWEL, Lieut, Marines, Samuel BARKER, AB, Michael COGLIN, L.M, John DAWES, AB, Lawrence DEMPSEY, Marine, Adam HOLMES, Robert KERRITT, AB, John LANE, Ord, [since dead], Richard LOWTHER, AB, Dennis LAWLER, Qr-gunner, Robert SPULL, Ord, John WILCOX, AB, George STILES, AB.
Samuel BAWDINS, AB, Richard BROWN, AB, John BROOKS, Ord, John BROWN, AB, Michael CAVANNAGH, Ord, John COX, Marine, Peter COX, AB, Andrew CARROLL, AB, James DUMBLE, Marine, John FAREL, Ord, John HUMPHREYS, Marine, James IRVIN, AB, -------LAUFETTY, AB, John MAYHAY, Marine, James MOORE, Ord, Thomas MAUGHAN, Ord, Archduke MCCONACHY, AB, Thomas OLDING, Armourer, Robert PENYER, AB, Cornelius REGAN, Ord, John SNELLER, AB, John SHEARER, Marine, Mathew SCUDDLE, AB, William TAYLOR, AB, Robert WEIR, AB, James WILLIAMS, Ord, William FOLFACE, AB.
William SMITH, Mishipman, Alexander WATSON, Qr-master, William BROWN, AB, John COLLINS, Marine, James EVANS, AB, John FINNESAY, Boy, William GEORGE, AB, Thomas HARPER, Boatsw mate, Thomas MARTIN, AB, Michael MC CANN, AB, Charles NICARVIS, Qr-gunner, James PHILLIPS, AB, William RICE, Marine, Samuel STEED, AB, Michael SULLIVAN, AB, William WAREHAM. L.M.
Nathaniel VASSAL, Lieut, John CAMPBELL, Secretary, Robert GARRETT, Qr-masters mate, Richard BRIGHT. L.M, Walter GROSE, AB, John HEXHAM, AB, James ORGAN, AB, William PEDWIN, AB, William SCOTT, AB, John TOPP, AB, William WARTERS, AB, John WHEELER, L.M, William WILCOCK, L.M, [since dead]
Treley MYRE. L.M, Robert RUTLEDGE, Carp crew, Daniel CONNOR, Marine, James MURPHY, Marine.
Trafalgar memorial, 1908
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