Liverpool Mercury, Jan 7th, 1884

Coroner's inquests, before Mr Clarke ASPINALL, coroner of Liverpool

On the body of Thomas MENAGH, aged 17mths, son of a dock labourer of Raymond St. The child was opening a newspaper near the fire on the 22nd December, when it ignited and the flames caught his clothing. He was severely burned about the legs and died on Thursday. Verdict, "Accidentally burned."

On the body of Thomas ATHERTON, aged 22, cab driver, in the service of J. MOORE, Boundary Lane. The deceased was said to have drinking habits, he turned out in his cab at noon on Thursday, the following morning his employer was informed that he was drunk in his cab. He appeared helpless and the men at the stables placed him on some bundles of straw under a shed and covered him with rugs. In the forenoon blood was noticed about his nostrils, and Dr WALKER of Norwood Grove, found the deceased lying in a corner of the shed with straw under his head, nothing under his body, his limbs were very cold. He was removed to his home in Tamworth St, Toxteth Park, where he died the same evening, the cause of death being epileptic fits. The jury attributed death to epileptic seizure, caused by drink and accelerated by exposure to the cold.

On the body of John Patrick POWER, aged 14mths, son of a sailor, living at 14 Townsend St. The mother of the child occupied the upper room of the house, Rose DEACON, a widow, who lives in the premises and had let the room to Mrs POWER, said she had not seen the child for a month, as the mother would not admit her to the room. She had heard it crying frequently, and on inquiry was told it was teething. The father returned from sea on Monday, and the witness on going upstairs with him, saw the child dead on the bed. Mary Ann BEGLEY, wife of a fitter, who occupied the room under that of Mrs POWER, stated the mother denied the death of the child up to the last moment. She had known Mrs POWER to be inattentive to her children. PC. 445 was called to the place on Monday, and found the bed on which the child was lying in a filthy state, and the mother did not seem to be strictly sober. Dr CLARKE who was called by the police to see the child, said the body was tolerably well nourished, and was average size. The child had been dead about 4 days. The cause of death was utter absence of food, this might have been the result of vomiting, there was also some slight gastric irritation, which might be sympathetic from teething. In his opinion the child had died a natural death. The mother now stated that she did not tell anybody about the child's death, because she thought the father would be home in time to bury it. The jury returned a verdict of "Died from natural causes." and the coroner addressing the mother, remarked that she was to blame for having aroused suspicion, by concealing the death of the child for so long a period.


Liverpool Mercury, Feb 11th, 1884

Coroner's inquests, before Mr Clarke ASPINALL, coroner of Liverpool

On the body of Samuel BRADSHAW, residing at Maghull, a sheeter in the employment of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company, at the North Docks Station, on Friday morning was assisting in the sheeting of waggons containing cotton, when he was knocked down fatally by three waggons which came down a siding on an incline. The signalman said he gave the usual warning by whistling, when the waggons were set in motion, but deceased did not appear to hear this. Verdict, "Accidental death."

On the body of Richard Coward BRETHERTON, aged 14, son of a licensed victualler of 41 Hill St. The deceased on Thursday afternoon went on to the roof of a house in search of missing pigeons, when he missed his footing and fell into the yard, sustaining injury to the head, which resulted in almost instantaneous death. Verdict, "Accidental death."

On the body of John M'COWAN, aged 17, residing with his parents at 3 Frank St, Toxteth Park. On the 22nd February the deceased shipped as an ordinary seaman in the barque Fairly, lying in the Salthouse Dock, intending to take a voyage to South America. Whilst engaged with another boy in cleaning out the hold, preparatory to taking in cargo, a paraffin oil lamp he had in his hand exploded. The blazing oil went over him and he sustained such injuries as resulted in his death at the Southern Hospital on Thursday last. Henry ABRAHAMS the boy who was with him at the time of the occurrence, said the lamp, given to him by the ship's keeper had neither globe nor chimney upon it. The jury returned an open verdict, expressing that there was negligence on the part of the ship's keeper and they would bring the circumstances in front of the Dock Board.

On the body of Catherine Ellen ELLISON, aged 7mths, daughter of a carter of 13 St John's Terrace, Smith St, Kirkdale. The child was found dead in bed on Thursday morning, medical evidence showed that death was due to suffocation, verdict accordingly.


Liverpool Mercury, March 17th, 1884

Coroner's inquests, before Mr Clarke ASPINALL, coroner of Liverpool

On the body of Joseph WILLIAMS, aged 50, carpenter employed at the Bridgewater Navigation Company, who resides at the Duke's Cottages, Duke's Dock. On Friday morning the deceased was engaged with other men repairing a flat called the Baltic, which had been damaged in a collision. The flat had been placed in the gridiron in the Clarence Basin, the water was run off. When the grid was clear the men started work, for the purpose of his work deceased stepped off the gridiron and into a gully leading to a culvert. He could not regain his feet and was carried into the river by the undercurrent, a distance of 40yds. His body was picked up an hour afterwards. Verdict, "Accidental death."

On the body of Ellen TAYLOR, aged 77, a widow residing in 4 court Hygeia St. The deceased had been very feeble for some time, and three weeks ago in crossing her room she fell against the edge of a chair. She was subsequently removed to Mill Rd, Hospital, where she died on the 13th inst from pleuro-pneumonia, the result of a fractured rib. Verdict, "Accidental death."

On the body Elizabeth NOBLE, aged 53, the wife of a plumber, residing in 2 court Villars St, on Thursday at noon the deceased was put to bed by her husband in a state of intoxication, and in the evening he found her lying in an unconscious state in the coal place. A doctor was called, but he found she was dead. The doctor's evidence was that she died from excessive drinking.. A verdict in accordance with the doctor's evidence was returned. On the body of William CROOKS, a butcher, aged 24, of 41 Upper Milk St. Deceased had been addicted to drink for 5yrs, on Thursday last he was removed to the Workhouse Hospital, Brownlow Hill, suffering from delirium tremens. He died the following day, according to medical evidence, from failure of the heart's action. Verdict, died from "Heart disease accelerated by drinking."

On the body of Alice PATTERSON, aged 3mths, illegitimate daughter of Margaret PATTERSON, charwoman of 8 court, Harding St. The mother stated that she went to bed, quite sober at midnight on Thursday night last with her baby. When she woke on Friday morning at 8am, she found the baby dead on her arm. Dr BRADY, 186 Upper Parliament St, said he saw the child after death and it had died by suffocation. Verdict, "Accidentally suffocated."


Liverpool Mercury, April 30th, 1884

Inquests before Mr Clark ASPINALL

On the body of Alfred NICHOLLS, aged 3mths, illegitimate child of Sarah NICHOLLS a domestic servant, deceased had been nursed by a woman named Eliza SMITH, 75 William Henry St, child was found dead in bed on Sunday last. According to Dr C. L. ANDERSON, death was the result of suffocation, the child was ill-nourished and improperly fed, jury’s returned an open verdict.

On the body of James EDWARDS, aged 30, of 2 House, 2 Court, Gascoyne St, the deceased a man of intemperate habits died on Saturday evening last from delirium tremens brought about by excessive drink - verdict accordingly.

On the body of Sarah Ann DRAKE, aged 9wks, child of a labourer of 2 Court, Back Beau St, deceased was found dead in bed on Sunday morning last, it appeared that death was due to suffocation, verdict to the effect returned.



Liverpool Mercury, July 2nd, 1884

A horrible discovery was made in Hope Place, yesterday at an unoccupied house, number [?? House still standing], the house has been vacant for more than twelve months. At noon yesterday it was visited by two water-inspectors, Robert BELL and William MORGAN, in the service of the Corporation, and in a closet in the yard they discovered the body of a woman in an advanced state of decomposition. They reported the shocking discovery to PC, 1129, and that officer in company with PC, 354, conveyed the body on an ambulance to the deadhouse at the Prince's Landing-stage. The body was doubled up and almost in a mummified condition. The arms clutched a canister containing tea and a satchel which held half a currant loaf. A portion of a newspaper was found on the body, dated in July, last year. It is surmised that the woman poisoned herself, but as yet the investigations of the police have not established her identity or the cause of death. The deceased wore a black cashmere skirt, with black velvet bodice, and red and grey knitted shawl. In the satchel there were a thimble and shawl pin, a silk handkerchief, cotton handkerchief, and a small cross. On one of the fingers was a ring.

Liverpool Mercury, July 7th, 1884

Discovery in Hope Place

Inquest on the body.

By Mr Clarke ASPINALL Coroner of Liverpool

On the body found last Tuesday in a vacant house in Hope Place.

Sarah ERNEST, wife of William ERNEST an engine tenter, residing at 101 Cockburn St, Toxteth Park, said she had seen the remains, and had identified them as those of Frances Margaret WALLACE, aged 58, whom she had known for 12yrs. She knew the body by the clothing, she had at times lodged with the witness and earned her living by sewing. At times the deceased went on drinking bouts, and on these occasions she made for places as that where she was found. Mrs BURGESS also said she had known the deceased for a long time. She had lived at times with the witness, but her habits of drinking compelled her to send the deceased away. She never knew the deceased to have anything like a fit. Deceased had a son living, but he was not on terms of intimacy with his mother. He had seen the body, but, not knowing the dress, he could not identify the body.

Water inspector MORGAN deposed to finding the body in the closet of the house [?? House still standing], Hope Place, PC, 1129, CAREY, stated he removed the body to the Prince's Deadhouse. Dr PAULL, said, he had made a careful examination of the body, but found it absolutely impossible to say what was the cause of death. The internal organs were all eaten away by insects, and beyond bone and a little dried skin and muscle nothing was left. There were no bones broken, and no indication of violence having been done. Deceased might have fallen forward in a drunken sleep and been suffocated, but he was inclined to believe that death had resulted from apoplexy. The jury returned an open verdict.


Liverpool Mercury, July 7th, 1884

Coroner's Inquests, before Mr Clarke ASPINALL, coroner of Liverpool

On the body of Arthur Daniel Lewin COOK, a commercial clerk, aged 25 of 30 Deane St. For some time he had been in business trouble and was much depressed, on Thursday morning he was found in bed in an insensible condition, with two empty laudanum bottles near him. He had bought the laudanum from a druggist in Fairfield, representing he was suffering from neuralgia, but had not complained of that at home. Verdict that the deceased committed suicide whilst temporarily insane.

On the body of Thomas PATTERSON, aged 40, cabdriver, of Robertson St, employed on night work. He was driving in Stanhope St on Friday at about 3.30am, and fell off the box to the ground, His foot caught on the shaft of the cab and he was dragged about 10yds before the horse could be stopped. Verdict, "Accidental death."


Liverpool Mercury, July 23rd, 1884

Fatal accident at Lime St, Station

Yesterday morning a painter named Benjamin KAY, of 5 Coronation St, off Salisbury St, was engaged along with a number of other men who are in the employ of Mr ROSS, the contractor for the London and North Western Railway Co, painting the roof of Lime St Station, when he fell from the scaffolding on to the platform. He was conveyed to the Royal Infirmary but died before reaching that institution. He leaves a widow.

Sudden death of a visitor at West Kirby

An inquest was held yesterday at West Kirby, before Mr CHURTON, Coroner, on the body of Mrs Mary Ann TAYLOR of Gravesend. The deceased who was 59, was on a visit to West Kirby and on Sunday was found in her bed room in a fit. A doctor was sent for, but her death ensued soon after he had reached the house. A verdict of, "Died from natural causes" was returned.


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