Prescot Petty sessions
Held Tuesday before R. NEILSON Esq. [chairman] Lieut Col BLACKBURNE, Admiral HORNBY and others when the following cases were disposed of :-
William BYRON and Joshua BYRON, both of Prescot watchmakers, brought before the bench by warrant, the former for resisting and the latter for assaulting PC,s. HAYHURST and MYERSCOUGH while in the execution of their duty on the 4th inst - fined 19s-6d and £2-9s-6d respectively and costs
Thomas SEFTON licensed victualler, Prescot, appeared to a summons for an offence committed by Thomas SHELLY, who is in charge of the White Horse Inn, Prescot, for refusing to admit PC. MC ANULTY, when requested to do so at 3am of the 4th inst - fined 10s and costs.
Robert WHITFIELD, Beerseller, Prescot, [adjourned summons from the 6th inst] again before the bench and fined 5s and costs,
James PRESTON, Beerseller Prescot, fined 20s and cost for selling a pint of ale during prohibited hours on Sunday, 4th inst.
At the Ashton-under-Lyne County sessions, yesterday Robert MARTIN of Brunswick St, Manchester, was charged on remand with embezzling £50, 16th August last, the money of his masters Messers James WALTON and Sons, manufacturers, Haughton Dale, nr Stockport. The prisoner was defended by Mr LERESCHE, barrister, Mr William WALTON, one of the firm said the case was a bad one, but in consequence of the time the prisoner had been with them and from certain extenuating circumstances they had come to the conclusion not to press the case, the chairman said he understood the defalcations would amount to £15,000 to £16,000, he did not think the prosecutors were doing their duty to the public, they may be acting to benefit themselves, he could call it nothing else but compounding a felony. Mr LERESCHE said the amount had been exaggerated, Mr WALTON said there were extenuating circumstances . Ultimately the case was withdrawn, the deficiency up to the present time £3,500.
Charges against the master of the Prescot Workhouse
An inquiry was held on Tuesday, 18th inst, by Mr R. Basil CANE, Poor-law inspector, into a charge of immoral conduct, preferred by a pauper inmate of the workhouse hospital, against Thomas HOLMES the master. The clerk to the board of guardians has received a letter from the Poor Law Board which contained an intimation that the board had "arrived at the conclusion that Mr HOLMES is not a fit person to hold the office of master, and they will accordingly issue an order removing him from that office."
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