Liverpool Mercury 1913

Dips into the past 1813

July, 16th 1813

The sea serpent

Much conversation and interest have recently been exited in New York by the description of the aquatic monster seen in the Atlantic by the passengers and crew of the ship NIAGARA. The relation appeared so fabulous, that it was received little credit, until the principal persons made an affidavit of what they had been eye-witness to.

The following is the substance of the depositions as they appear in the New York papers :-

“G. BAILEY, late master of the ship AMSTERDAM PACKET; William R. HANDY late master of the ship LYDIAS, and Adam KNOX late master of the schooner AUGUSTA, all belonging to New York, have deposed to me, William BLEECKER, notary public, that they were passengers on the ship NIAGARA which arrived at New York from Lisbon, 26th April; that on the 8th April being in lat 43. 39, long 48, at meridian, saw a large lump on the horizon, bearing N. W, distant 6/8 miles, which they supposed to be the hull of a large ship, bottom upwards, when within gunshot of it, discovered that it had motion, and on a nearer approach, found it to be a fish, apparently 200 ft in length, 30 ft broad and 17/18 ft high in the centre, its back appeared covered in a shell, formed, similar to the planks of a clinker-built vessel – near the head on the right hand side, was a large hole or archway, covered occasionally with a fin, which was at times 8/9 ft out of the water, these deponents intended to have sent the boat to make further discoveries, but were deterred by perceiving that the monster was moving, and that he occasioned a great rippling and current in the sea, which would, had it approached much nearer, have endangered the boat and the vessel. At one time they approached within 30 yds of it.



13th, Jan 1877


Novel declaration of the crew of the PAULINE

The story of the mate and crew of the Bargue PAULINE of London, about having seen sea serpent while on a voyage in the Indian Seas on Wednesday, declaration on oath before Mr RAFFLES at the Liverpool Police Court.

The affidavit was made in consequence of the doubtfulness of which anything about the, “Sea Serpent” has hitherto been received, and to show the genuine character of the story it has been placed judicially on record.

Copy of the delaration:-

Borough of Liverpool in the County palatine of Lancaster, to which we the undersigned, Captain, Officers and Crew of the bargue PAULINE of London, of Liverpool in the County of Lancaster in the United Kingdom of Great Britian and Ireland do solemnly and sincerely declare that on, July 8th, 1875, in lat. 5. 13S, long, 35 . W, we observed three large sperm whales and one of them was griped round the body with two turns of what appeared to be a huge serpent. The head and tail appeared to have a length beyond the coils of 30 feet. The serpent whirled its victim round and round for 15 minutes then suddenly dragged the whale to the bottom head first.

George DREVAR, Master.


John Henderson LANDELLS


William LEWARN

Again on July 13th, a similar serpent was seen about 200 yards off, shooting itself along the surface, the head and the neck being out of the water several feet. This was seen only by the Captain and an Ordinary Seaman whose signatures are affixed.

George DREVAR, Master


A few moments later it was seen elevated some 60 feet perpendicularly in the air by the Chief Officer and the following Able Seamen.


William LEWARN


And we made this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the provisions of the act made in the 6th year of the reign of his Majesty, entitles, An act to repeal an act of the present session of parliament, entitled an act of the more effectual abolition of oaths and affirmations, taken and made in various departments of the state, and to substitute declarations in lieu thereof and for the more entire suppression of voluntary and extra judicial oaths and affidavits, and to make other provisions for the abolition of unnecessary oaths. Severally declared subscribed at Liverpool aforesaid the 10th day of January 1877

George DREVAR, Master

William LEWARN, Steward

Hotatio THOMPSON, Chief Officer

J. H. LANDELLS, 2nd Officer


Before Mr T. S. RAFFLES. J.P, Liverpool


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