The Jews in Russia
The Central Committee of the Alliance Israelite Universaile, has sent a circular to those Jewish congregations in Russia who have suffered from persecution, stating that it is prepared to promote emigration to America. The emigrants must be from 18 to 35yrs of age, and must be healthy an able-bodied, and industrious artisans. The Alliance will defray their travelling expenses [250 francs for adults, 150 francs for children] to New York or other cities in the United States. When once they arrive in America the new comers will receive further help. About 28 hectares of land will be given in the States to each family. The emigration scheme of the alliance is one, however, on a small scale, since at present the committee has only arranged to send 200 persons. We have reason to believe, however, that objections have been raised in New York, even to this limited number, since many hundreds of Jewish families have already arrived from Russia totally destitute of means. Only recently we announced that 194 Jewish refugees from Russia left Brody [Galicia] with the intention of proceeding to America. Since then 50 Jewish persons have left Antwerp, and 150 have embarked at Bremen bound for the same destination -------Jewish Chronicle.
Liverpool Mercury Feb 13th 1882
The Jewish refugees
Their departure for America
Among the many painful scenes of departure witnessed on the Landing-stage, few have been more sad than that which took place on Saturday. About 8am there might be seen walking towards the stage a strange looking company of men, women and children. Accustomed as are the people of Liverpool to seeing groups of singular looking, emigrants en route to the Far West going through the streets of the city, those of Saturday excited more than ordinary curiosity. It was evident from their features that they were members of the Jewish race, and when it became known that the strangers were a company of oppressed Hebrews who had escaped from Russia, their appearance excited much interest and sympathy. A remarkable gathering they were. Thanks to the Anglo-Jewish committee of this city, some of them who required it had been supplied with clothing, and quite smart they looked in apparel of the approved Western cut. But some of them still wore the picturesque garments worn by the peasants residing in the Russian steppes. They had but little impediments in the shape of luggage, the head of each family generally being able to carry all the goods that had been left to them, although a few had occupied good positions, without difficulty on his shoulder. The men walked with a precision of step that showed they had been accustomed to military drill All seemed in excellent spirits, looking forward with hope to the new homes, which, thanks to the kindness and forethought of the philanthropic, had been provided for them in America.
Arriving at the Landing-stage at 8am, the Jewish emigrants, 349 in number, were taken on the tender and hence to the steamship Illinois, of the American Line, which was about to sail for Philadelphia. Mr Baron BENAS [chairman of the Liverpool, Anglo-Jewish Committee], Mr Luis JACKSON, Mr PAYNTER, Mr David WILSON, and other gentlemen, taking an interest in the movement for the assistance of the distressed Jews, accompanied the party on board the steamer. Here the emigrants received every attention, the officers of the Illinois doing everything in their power to promote the comfort of the poor people. It was a very interesting sight to witness the emigrants on board, numbering altogether including the Jewish company, 531 persons, "passing the doctor" Dr SPOONER, the medical officer for the emigration department of this port. All the Jewish people passed satisfactorily, with the exception of one child. The little one was suffering from some slight skin irruption, but it was deemed advisable that it should stay until it got better, and accompanied by its parents, it was taken ashore again. The parting of these people from their friends, who they wished to accompany across the Atlantic, was very touching, but they were kindly assured that the kinder would be all right in a few days, and that they and their little one would follow their friends in the next steamer.
A young surgeon, a very intelligent, well-educated man who knew a little English, who was the spokesman of the party, expressed on behalf of himself and his fellow refugees, their gratitude for the kindness displayed to them by the Anglo-Jewish Committee, the people, and the press of Liverpool, kindnesses which, he said, they would remember when the outrages that had driven them here were forgotten in the free land of the West. About 1pm, the Illinois got under weigh, the gentlemen who had accompanied the Jewish party returned to the tender, and, as they waved their adieus, the young surgeon alluded to jumped on the bulwark of the steamer, and in a loud voice asked his friends to "Hurrah von die Kouig von England" [three cheers for the Queen of England] which the poor wanderers enthusiastically gave.
When the Jewish emigrants arrive at Philadelphia they will be received by the members of the Jewish Relief Committee of America, and it is intended to allow those of the emigrants who choose to obtain tracts of land in Louisiana, Minnesota, Alabama and other states.
Liverpool Mercury Feb 25th 1882
Philadelphia, Feb 23rd
The Jewish refugees who arrived here on board the American Line steamer Illinois, were met by a committee of sympathisers and taken to the quarters provided for them, where arrangements have been made for their comfort
Liverpool Mercury March 20th 1882
The Jewish emigrants
Although the outrages on the Jewish communities in Russia have abated, the tide of emigration of the Hebrews from that country continues. That is explained by the fact that they fear a recurrence of the terrible outrages that drove so many out of their homes, and think that although public opinion has for a time restrained a continuance of the attacks upon them, yet that the Russian Government will be unable or unwilling to prevent altogether other outbreaks of violence. About 30 of these poor wanderers arrived in Liverpool on Saturday enroute for America. The most of them will proceed to Philadelphia, and during their stay in Liverpool will be most kindly treated by the Jewish Relief Committee under the direction of Mr Baron BENAS, Mr Louis JACKSON and other philanthropic gentlemen who are taking an interest in the Jewish emigration movement. All the emigrants are not, however, proceeding to America. Several from the continent have arrived here, paying their own passage to Palestine, where they intend to settle.
The same terrible tales of outrage continue to be told by the Russian Jewish refugees. One was from Kieff, where shocking outrages were committed. He said he was going to New York, he did not know what to do yet. His wife was left behind in Germany, he had been despoiled of all, and could not raise the money to take them both, but, if he succeeded in the States, he would send for her soon. "Were the outrages as bad as reported?" "Yes" he said, "they were 50 times worse, the people were not allowed to tell all the truth in the newspapers. He had seen some of them, he had seen a Jew stabbed in open day in his own doorway by a mob. And in parts they were still going on, and the Jews were afraid to leave their homes, and were not safe there, people entered disguised as Jews, and committed robbery and outrage" Another, an older man from Warsaw, said, through an interpreter, he was Russian born, and didn't want to leave, but it was not safe to stay, for people were endeavouring to fasten crimes on Jews, and then pillage and maltreated them. A third a distinguished looking Jew, who had been a rich man, a few dozen miles from Warsaw, Russian born, also said he had lost all. He also had left his wife behind for poverty's sake, till he made a fresh home. He believed the authorities in Russia allowed, if they did not approve of the persecution. But, said he, the Grand Duke Michael, complains of it, and,, "says it would be better to drive us into the sea at once!" "And what is the cause of the persecution, " was asked "The cause?" said he, "They want to drive us out. We have been frugal, and some of us grew rich, and it is with us as in the old days in Spain and elsewhere, they envy the riches they will not earn themselves, and they persecute the Jew to obtain his goods." They were a peaceful and tolerably prosperous people, suddenly set upon in blind rage such as the Jews have often known, and pillaged, outraged, and murdered. And it is from this that the people are escaping.
Emigrants of various nationalities, Russians, Pole, Hungarians, Germans, Danes and Swedes, are now daily arriving in large numbers in this city, en route for the United States and Canada.
Liverpool Mercury April 3rd 1882
The emigration of Jewish refugees
On Saturday about 50 Jewish refugees from the interior of Russia left Liverpool for America by the Dominion Line steamer Toronto. The refugees were met at the station and seen safely on board by member of the local committee. Although Messers R. L. BEANAS, and Edwin M. DAVIES, the representatives of the Mansion House Committee had but a few hours telegraphic notice of the intended departure of the emigrants by way of Liverpool, they were nevertheless successful in conjunction with Messers FLINN, MAIN and MONTGOMERY, in providing the unleavened bread and other necessities essential to enable the refugees to keep the Jewish Passover, which commences this evening. We believe this is the first occasion in which the Passover has been celebrated by a large body of Jews on the high seas., it will strike many as a repetition of history when we reflect that they will celebrate the memorial of the departure of their forefathers from "out of the land of Egypt and out of the house of bondage" 3000 yrs ago. It is hoped that the refugees are "on their way to a new land of promise", where forgetting the dark past, they will, by energy and toil, secure for themselves a peaceful and happy future.
The "Dominion" Company has made ample arrangements for the comfort of the refugees.
Liverpool Mercury May 13th 1882
The Jewish refugees
Vienna, May 12th
A despatch from Brody, published here, states that 900 refugees from Russia arrived there yesterday by railway. 500 others who had crossed the frontier clandestinely also reached that town. Two Jewish deserters were stated to have been shot by the Cossacks on the frontier. A camp was formed at Brody for the fugitives. The weekly expenditure for the emigrants amounted to 3000 florins, whilst the allowance made by the London Committee was only 600 florins. Instructions have been received from London to issue only 400 passenger tickets per week, but the Relief Committee at Brody considered the despatch of 1000 refugees per week as urgently necessary, both on sanitary and humanitarian grounds.
Liverpool Mercury June 3rd 1882
The Jewish refugees
Large numbers of Russian-Jewish refugees continue to pass through Liverpool on their way to the new world. This morning some 400 men, women and children will embark on board the National steamer Erin for New York. It is computed no fewer than 600 arrive in Liverpool every week. The refugees are first received in Lemburg and Brody in Austria, by the commissioners of the Mansion House Relief Fund. Their claims are there investigated and the refugees are sent either to Palestine or America, those intended for the United States being forwarded via Hamburg and Liverpool. The local commissioners have made every provision for their comfort on arrival to Liverpool. A hall as been fitted up for their accommodation in School Lane, and here grants of money and clothing are distributed to the emigrants prior to their embarkation. The circumstances of each case are fully investigated, and agriculturists, mechanics, etc are booked through to those places where the prospects of their particular calling may be the most hopeful. Besides having their railway and steamboat fares paid, the emigrants receive a bank draft to enable them to start life anew when they reach their destination. The Liverpool commissioners are most assiduous in their philanthropic exertions on behalf of the refugees. The committee consists of Mr B. L, BEANAS [president], Mr E. M. DAVIES [treasurer], the Rev Morris JOSEPH, the Rev Dr STERN, the Rev J. POLACK, the Rev H. M. SILVER [honorary secretary] Messers J. SAMUEL, H. A. TOBIAS, A. L. BENAS, A. LYONS, V. GOLDBERG, A. STERN and B. NEWGASS.
Liverpool Mercury Aug 21st 1882
The Jewish refugees
From among the Jews who have been driven by persecution from Russia has been formed, on the lower slopes of one of the Colorado mountain ranges, the nucleus of what promises to be a flourishing, as it is already an interesting colony. The pioneers of the colony were selected from the Jewish refugees in New York, and the heads of families are mostly trained farmers. The necessary funds for their transport, for their farming implements and seed, and for their maintenance till the first crops are ready for market, are being supplied by a philanthropic society in New York. The colonists consist of twelve families, in all 50 persons, left New York on the 3rd May last, and arrived at Cotopaxi, their destination, on the 9th of the same month. Cotopaxi is the centre of a mining district. It is situated in a valley surrounded by mountains rich in minerals and which are honeycombed with mines. In the vicinity of Cotopaxi, 700 acres of grass land, which ascends in easy grades the lower slopes of the surrounding mountains have been selected for the settlers, and are intended to form the first link in a chain of farms to be set apart for the expatriated Russian Jews. Each family will receive 160 acres. The laws of Colorado strictly prohibit one family occupying more than 160 acres of Government land, and one of the conditions of the grant is that the whole of the land must be staked in within 6 mths of settling upon it, and 5 acres must be under cultivation. A house is being built for each of the families, and they will each receive besides one cow, several chickens and also a team of horses. Everything supplied to the colonists is entered as a debtor account against them, which they are expected to repay to the New York Society in yearly instalments. Awaiting the completion of their houses, the colonists are now living in and around Cotopaxi. Being too late in their arrival to sow corn in the present season, they have planted garden stuffs, of which their are abundant crops. An American correspondent who gives a description of the new colony mentions, as an illustration of the richness of the soil, that the cabbage seed came up 4 days after it was sown. He also notes that the services held by the colonists in the handsome littler synagogue which has been erected for them are generally attended by some of the Christians of the village, a fact only worth special mention to contrast the tolerance of the people with whom the lot of the colonists is now cast with the bigotry of the communities from which they have been driven.
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